
07理财(1 / 2)

  07 理财



  ellen often feels short of money though she has a nice salary.


  nick: hey, ellen. it's time to get off work. we are going to have dinner together. do you want to come along?


  ellen: i'd like to, but i'm really skint this month.


  nick: hmm? our salaries were paid only half a month ago.


  ellen: let's not talk about it. i'm a typical moonlight clan. after i got my salary, i had to pay the rent, eat out with my friends and go shopping. i didn't even realize that i had made away with my money.


  nick: so you mean you often live from paycheck to paycheck?


  ellen: yes. so i have to overdraw my credit card.


  nick: oh, ellen, i have to say that you must learn how to manage your money, or else you won't fill your stomach in the next days.


  ellen: i know it. but i always consume in an impulsive way.



  1. skint [skint] adj. 身无分文的,穷光蛋的

  2. moonlight clan 月光族

  3. make away with 携……而逃;除去,杀死;浪费掉;吃掉

  4. paycheck ['peit?ek] n. 薪水支票,工资

  5. overdraw ['?uv?'dr?:] v. 透支;夸大

  6. impulsive [im'p?lsiv] adj. 冲动的,任性的;n.(引起冲动的)原因



  1. save little and often


  2. read personal finance blogs


  by reading about others' tips and success to adopt good financial habits.


  3. keep a spending log and savings log


  4. save towards a specific goal


  having a very clear goal in mind can make it much easier to save up.


  5. automate your savings


  get your bank to transfer 800 yuan (or 1000 yuan)from your checking account into a savings account, at the start of each month.




  on ellen's way to bank, she comes across nick.


  nick: hey, ellen. where are you going?


  ellen: i'm going to the bank of china.


  nick: pay off the overdraft and interest of your credit card?


  ellen: oh, please don't judge a person by what he used to be. i am going to save some money in my account.


  nick: save money? are you kidding? i don't think you have any money to save. didn't you say you always live from paycheck to paycheck?


  ellen: yeah, i used to be, but now i am wise in money matters. i began to make a selfreflection two months ago, which helps me curb spending and think twice about each purchase.


  nick: i am glad to hear that you have been an expert on money.


  ellen: i opened a saving-account last month to save some money for a rainy day. but i also know we shouldn't work just to save, we also should live life to the full.


  nick: aha, by the way, how much will you save every month?


  ellen: 2000 yuan per month, maybe even more.



  1. bank of china 中国银行

  2. overdraft ['?uv?dr?ft] n. ͸֧

  3. curb [k?:b] n. 路边;克制;v. 抑制;勒住

  4. for a rainy day 以防不时之需


  the advantages of saving money

  everyone must work to live their lives, but many people are fortunate enough to make more money than they immediately need. what should they do with this remaining income? it is tempting for people to spend it all on things they desire,but if you have learned to manage money matters, it is better to save at least a portion of the extra income for a rainy day.

  by saving money, people give themselves more security. you cannot predict the future; perhaps one day you will lose your job. at a time like this your savings can spare you a great deal of suffering and help bridge you over. in addition,saving money allows people to lay up a larger sum with which you can buy something more valuable. for example, you may be able to buy a car with your savings. if you learn to save money, you can gain more advantages in the will lead a more secure and, thus, happier life.






  the dialogue is set in a bank.


  bank clerk: good morning, what can i do for you, sir?


  jack: good morning, i want to withdraw 6000 yuan from this card.


  bank clerk: may i see your bank card,please?


  jack: here you are.


  bank clerk: please input your password and then press the “confirmation” button.


  jack: oh, i am afraid that i forget my password. maybe i can have a try.


  bank clerk: sorry, your password is wrong. please reenter it.


  jack: oh! i forget my password. what should i do?


  bank clerk: in this case, you will have to report the loss of your password and then reset the password. have you taken your id card with you?


  jack: yes, i have.


  bank clerk: don't worry. i will help you soon. please fill out this form first. and write down your name, your account number and your id number.


  jack: done!


  bank clerk: ok. please wait for a moment. i'll handle it soon.



  1. password ['p:sw?:d] n. 口令,密码

  2. report the loss 挂失


  1. excuse me, i forgot the password of my card.


  2. you have to report loss of the magcard.


  3. tell me the depositor's name, the account number as well as the id number.


  4. your card has been locked. please come to the bank to renew the account in five days.


  5. by the way, are you the depositor of the bank card?


  6. we'll charge you 10 yuan for your report of the loss.
