
06投资(1 / 2)

  06 投资



  tony looks extremely depressed in the ofi ce his colleague elly wants to know what happened.


  elly: tony, why do you look so sad?


  tony: i'm in pretty bad shape.


  elly: what has happened to you? you were all right yesterday.


  tony: didn't you read the news this morning? the overall stock market is losing money. share prices have been at an all-time low, almost crashed. what's worse, i've got all my money in stocks and shares.

  托尼:你没有看今天早上的新闻吗? 整个股市都在跌。股价跌到了最低点,几乎要崩盘了。更糟糕的是我把所有的钱都投在股票上了。

  elly: stocks, stocks, stocks…some things never change!


  tony: yeah, i planned to invest in stocks to make a quick buck. but i am not always a lucky dog.


  elly: come on! there are no pies dropping from the sky. and you can't become warren buffett called the sage of omaha. what we have to do now is just to work harder than before.


  tony: yeah, that's the truth.



  1. lose money 亏本,亏损;赔钱

  2. all-time [??:ltaim] adj. 空前的;全时工作的

  3. crash [kr??] v. 撞击,坠毁;崩溃,破产;n. 轰隆声,猛撞;崩溃,垮台;adj. 速成的

  4. make a buck 挣钱

  5. lucky dog 幸运儿

  6. sage [seid?] n.圣人,哲人;adj. 贤明的;明智的



  shoot up 猛涨

  be trapped in the stock market 被套牢

  shares peak at 股价达到高点

  the price collapses 股价崩盘

  the price falls / goes down 股票下跌

  shares recover 股价回升

  go into steady decline 股价稳步下跌

  share price is marginally up 股价微升

  shares are up slightly by 0.9 dollar 股价上升0.9美元

  speculate in stocks 炒股

  pull out 撤出股市


  “牛市”就是 a bull market,指的是 a situation in which share prices are rising. bull的意思是“买进股票等待价格上涨以图谋利者;哄抬证券价格的人”。“熊市”就是 a bear market,指的是 a situation in which share prices keep falling. bear的意思是“卖空者,做空头者,抛售股票或期货希望造成价格下跌的人”。



  as soon as eric arrives at the office, he break a piece of big news.


  eric: hey, helen. did you see the big news yesterday? a lottery holder from zhejiang province may have hit 514 million yuan jackpot.


  helen: really? it sounds very amazing.


  eric: yeah, the news reported that he won the jackpot from two tickets on tuesday and the prize has set a new record, being the country's biggest jackpot to date. how i wish i had hit a lottery ticket!


  helen: i have. last week i won a lottery ticket for a prize of 5000 yuan.


  eric: ah, how did you do that? why couldn't i?


  helen: the secret to win a lottery ticket is believing your choice and your feeling of numbers is also very important.


  eric: so if i always come across the number 9868, it's likely to win a lottery ticket with the number 9868?


  helen: that's what i mean. miracles happen every day. you may be on a roll.



  1. lottery ['l?t?ri] n. 彩票;碰运气的事

  2. jackpot ['d??k?p?t] n.(彩票等)头奖,累积赌注

  3. to date 迄今为止

  4. miracle ['mir?kl] n. 奇迹;令人惊奇的人或事

  5. on a roll 接踵而至的成功;好运连连


  在我国,lottery tickets(彩票)是为福利事业和体育发展筹措资金而开办的,据称,彩票得主应交纳奖金20%的所得税。为了沾沾喜气,兑出巨奖的lottery booth(彩票站)也人满为患。中头彩可以说成hit the jackpot,兑奖可以说成claim the prize。福利彩票可用welfare lottery来表达,主要用于国家的charitable causes(慈善事业);体育彩票可用sports lottery来表达,是为筹集体育事业发展资金发行的,主要用于国家的sports causes(体育事业)。

