
01日常工作(1 / 2)



  01 日常工作



  billy fi nds it d fifi cult to communicate wi his new colleague. his colleague and friend steven gives him some advice.


  billy: i can't stand the stupid guy any does everything so mindlessly that he is going to drive me crazy.


  steven: oh, take it easy, my friend. you're supposed to forgive a green hand like him.


  billy: i have told him how to revise the report three times, but he still makes the same mistakes.


  steven: maybe you should communicate with him just like a friend and be patient.


  billy: i always find it difficult to get along with my colleagues.


  steven: just take them as your good friends and make sure to keep your temper under control when you are discussing.


  billy: maybe you are right. i should discuss with them in a polite way and since we are partners we should help and trust each other.


  steven: all men are equal in the eyes of the god. you have no right to get angry with anybody even if he does something wrong.


  billy: thanks for telling me these. i'll try to change my attitude.



  1. mindlessly ['maindlisli] adj. 不用脑子地,不费心思地

  2. drive sb. crazy 使某人发疯

  3. a green hand 新手

  4. keep one's temper under control 忍住性子


  touch base

  to touch base这个习惯用语来自于美国的棒球运动。但是如今它已经不仅仅是一个专业术语,而发展为一个日常用语了。意思是把某一件事的情况告诉有关的人,使大家都知道这件事的进展和计划。


  are you free now? i'd like to touch base with you about how to carry out the plan as soon as possible.




  anna is preparing for reporting to the firm on her recent work. she wants her colleague to offer some advice about her report.


  anna: thanks for listening my presentation,sue. i really don't want it to be a dud.


  sue: don't worry about that. you have a strong sense of humor, so i think your presentation must be lively and interesting.


  anna: if it is boring and difficult to understand, all my preparation will be for nothing. can you give me some advice about my report?


  sue: it seems that you have prepared the report with great care, and your report is very impressive.


  anna: does it need something extra to make it more lively or persuasive?


  sue: all you need is to keep confident and full of vitality. so all will be attracted and concentrate on your report. you have finished your report with carefulness and organization. i am sure you will get highly recognition.


  anna: thank you for believing me.



  1. dud [d?d] n. 衣服;废物,无用的人或物;失败

  2. lively ['laivli] adj. 活泼的;热烈的;逼真的,生动的

  3. impressive [im'presiv] adj. 给人深刻印象的;感人的;威严的

  4. persuasive [p?'sweisiv] adj. 劝说的;劝诱的;有说服力的

  5. vitality [vai't?liti] n. 活力;生命力;效力


  1. how's the exhibition going?


  2. you must report to your superior on your work regularly.


  3. i will report to our manager what we are doing at present.


  4. and you also need to summarize and report monthly sales situation.


  5. can you tell me whom i should report to?


  6. could we have your report tomorrow?


  7. please make an investigation on his debrief.


  8. he always reports back on his work without day.




  there's a meeting of the company on discussing how to deal with the falling of the sales.


  manager: ok, everybody. we seem to be ready. can we get started? the purpose of this meeting is to discuss why our sales have fallen sharply over the last quarter. here are the graphs and figures for this season's sales.


  tom: if i remember correctly, sales went down slightly, but not as dramatically as the graph shows.


  manager: you are correct. the sports goods sales decreased slightly, but not dramatically. the one that didn't do so hot last quarter was the daily necessities.


  tom: maybe there was a problem in the product pricing. it seems that market is sensitive to price. our product was marketed at a higher introductory price.


  manager: so, we should start low? if our customers…


  julia (murmuring): look! there comes a beautiful bird outside the window.


  manager: get a load of this!



  1. sharply ['?:pli] adv. 锐利地;厉害地;猛烈地

  2. quarter ['kw?:t?] n. 四分之一;一刻钟;一季

  3. graph [gr?f] n. 图表,图解,曲线图

  4. dramatically [dr?'m?tikli] adv. 戏剧地;引人注意地

  5. daily necessities 生活用品

  6. sensitive ['sensitiv] adj. 灵敏的,敏感的;易受伤害的

  7. introductory [?intr?'d?kt?ri] adj. 介绍的,引导的;开端的


  1. hello, everyone. today i want to talk about how to design a good sales strategy.


  2. let's turn to the second issue.


  3. has anyone got any objection to this decision?


  4. is there any other business?


  5. i'd be very interested in your comments.


  6. what kind of action is required?


  7. i'd like to conclude with one last point.




  several branch managers are discussing about a process report from the sales team in the summary meeting.


  steven: ok, quiet down please. i wish to commence this meeting. first item of the meeting is a progress report from the sales team.


  charles: so far things couldn't have gone any better. the team pulls together to overfulfill the sales target. it's incredible.


  steven: really? could you go into details about their progress?