
03医疗保健(1 / 2)

  03 医疗保健



  susan is complaining in the ofi ce that sh bought a dress yesterday but she found it was hard to dress up.


  amy: you are heavier than you used to be,aren't you?


  susan: yes, i know. i am getting fat. i want to lose weight but i just couldn't help eating much food.


  amy: what did you eat?


  susan: junk food, like pizza, hamburger,and ice cream and so on, you know.


  amy: if you want to lose weight, the point is that you should resist your eating desire and keep doing exercise. and no junk food.


  susan: then what should i eat?


  amy: more vegetables and fruit. they are rich in vitamins. besides, you need to work out. what sports do you like?


  susan: i like to play tennis, but it's hard to find a partner here.


  amy: yes. few people play tennis , walking up and down the stairs would be also useful for losing weight. you may also go jogging every morning.


  susan: great! thank you for your advice.


  amy: that's nothing. but remember that the most important is perseverance.



  1. get fat 发胖

  2. lose weight 减肥

  3. junk food 垃圾食品

  4. vitamin [?vit?min] n. 维生素

  5. work out 锻炼;可以解决;做出,计算出

  6. perseverance [?p?:si'vi?r?ns] n. 不屈不挠;毅力, 坚韧不拔


  best tips for dieting

  step 1: don't “go on a diet”; change your diet(不是节食,而是改变饮食习惯)

  step 2: avoid refined sugar(别吃精炼的糖)

  step 3: quick fix diets only work short-term(快速节食只能短期见效)

  step 4: don't eat if you're not hungry(不饿的时候不要吃东西)

  step 5: cut down on alcohol(少喝饮料)

  step 6: some fats are good(一定的脂肪是有益的)

  step 7: get moving — exercise is essential(坚持运动,锻炼必不可少)

  step 8: never skip a meal — especially breakfast(每餐都要吃,尤其是早餐)

  step 9: take time to eat(细嚼慢咽)

  step 10: drink plenty of water(多喝水)

  step 11: eat five portions of fruit and vegetables per day(每天吃5份水果和蔬菜)

  step 12: have many meals but little food at each(少吃多餐)



  julie had a heavy cold yesterday and was coughing all the morning in the company. she had to ask for leave to see a doctor. and now she is in a hospital.


  julie: excuse me, where shall i register,please?


  nurse: go straight along this road and make a left turn in the end of the road.


  julie: thank you.


  (a few moment later)


  julie: is this the registration office?


  nurse: yes, it is. please queue up to register. which department for?


  julie: i don't know exactly.


  nurse: please tell me your illness so that i can tell you which department you can register with.


  julie: i've got a sore throat, a runny nose,and cough.


  nurse: ok, i will register you with medical department. please register your information here and pay for it. and i'll make a medical record for you.


  julie: ok. how much do i need to pay for the registration?


  nurse: you need to pay 5 yuan for the registration.


  julie: here is the money.


  nurse: this is your registration card. please don't lose it and bring it whenever you come.


  julie: yes, i will. but can you tell me how to get to the medical department?


  nurse: it's on the second floor.


  julie: thank you.



  1. have a cold 患感冒

  2. queue up 排队

  3. sore [s?:] adj. 疼痛的,痛心的;恼火的;严重的;n. 痛处,伤口

  4. medical department 内科;医务室

  5. medical record 病历卡;病史档案


  1. which department do you want to register with?


  2. have you got a registration card?


  3. do you have medicine insurance? or will you pay for this yourself?


  4. do you want to see a specialist or an ordinary doctor?


  5. have you ever registered with dr. smith before?


  6. do i need to pay my registered fee here?


  7. do i need to register again if i ask for a transfer?


  8. i'd like to get specialist treatment.




  tony is seeing a doctor in a hospital.


  tony: good morning, doctor.


  doctor: good morning. what's the matter with you?


  tony: i'm suffering from insomnia.


  doctor: how long have you been like this?


  tony: more than a month.


  doctor: have you taken any medicine?


  tony: i tried some sleeping pills, but they are of no effect to me.


  doctor: do you have a pain in the head?


  tony: sometimes. i feel exhausted and drowsy most of the time.


  doctor: let me take your blood pressure. you look anemic.


  (after taking tony's blood pressure)


  doctor: well, there is nothing to worry about. you are just a little exhausted from overwork.


  tony: then what should i do?


  doctor: i think you should get more rest. try to get outside and exercise more. remember not to strain yourself too much.


  tony: ok, i'll do as you say.


  doctor: here is the prescription for you. i'm sure the medicine will cure your insomnia.


  tony: thank you very much, doctor.



  1. insomnia [in's?mni?] n. 失眠,失眠症

  2. sleeping pill 安眠药片

  3. drowsy [?drauzi] adj. 昏昏欲睡的,困倦的

  4. blood pressure Ѫѹ

  5. anemic [?'ni:mik] adj. 贫血的,患贫血症的;无活力的

  6. prescription [pris'krip??n] n. 处方,药方;对策



  chinese medicine pharmacy 中药房

  clinic area 日间门诊

  intensive care unit(icu) 加护病房

  evening clinic 夜间门诊