
01猎取工作不容易(1 / 2)



  01 猎取工作不容易



  john is going to send his resume to a company. and he asks tom for some advice.


  john: i am going to send my resume to the human resources department. could you do me a favor and proofread it?


  tom: of course! let me have a look. well, i think you should add another section.


  john: which section?


  tom: i know you can speak japanese, why don't you as well put that on your resume?


  john: but languages have nothing to do with my major.


  tom: people would be impressed by your language abilities and human resources directors want to see more of a well-rounded person in a resume.


  john: the resume is just a piece of they tell what kind of person i am through it?


  tom: as a job hunter, it is important to impress others, and the resume can be helpful in giving a good impression to a potential employer.



  1. resume [ri'zju:m] n. 简历

  2. do sb. a favor 给某人恩惠,帮某人的忙

  3. have nothing to do with 跟……没有关系

  4. well-rounded ['wel'raundid] adj. 全面的;多才多艺的

  5. give a good impression to sb. 给某人留一个好印象


  1. i graduated from foreign language department of qinghua university in 2011.


  2. business english is my major.



  i majored in business english.

  3. my second foreign language is japanese.


  4. i passed tem 8 and my second foreign language german has reached primary level.


  5. i was the president of the student union of our university.


  6. i am quite proficient in english and i am good at dealing with people from other cultures.




  becky is making a phone call to shanghai launch company to inquire whether the position of sales assistant is available or not.


  laura: hello. shanghai launch company. this is laura. how can i help you?


  becky: hello. this is becky. i am calling for the sales assistant. i saw the information about the vacancy from online job websites. is it still open?


  laura: thank you for your interest. the position is still available. have you already sent your resume to us?


  becky: no, not yet. because i am not sure whether the position is still vacant or not. could you give me more information about the position requirement?


  laura: of course. the interviewee must be good at communicating and have a sense of responsibility. the most important is that you must have a supple mind. if all these are not problems for you, i recommend you to mention them in your resume.


  becky: okay. the experience in the student council as a minister will evidence my qualifications. besides i can get along well with my friends and college classmates. thanks for offering more information to me. i will send my resume soon.


  laura: you're welcome. goodbye.


  becky: goodbye.



  1. assistant [?'sist?nt] n. 助手,助理,助教

  2. vacancy ['veik?nsi] n. 空地,空房;空缺,空职

  3. available [?'veil?bl] adj. 可利用的;有空的;有效的

  4. supple ['s?pl] adj. 适应性强的;灵活的;柔软的

  5. minister ['minist?] n. 部长,大臣;外交使节;牧师


  1. could you help me figure out how to look for aj ob?


  2. now there is a position available as a graphic designer. are you interested in it?


  3. i'm enquiring about the position in your website for a market manager. is this position still open?


  4. are there any vacancies?


  5. can i still apply for the available position?


  6. will you tell me if your firm needs an experienced president assistant?


  7. do you have any job for a part-time translator?




  eve got an interview notice yesterday. now she is being interviewed.


  interviewer: can you tell me about yourself and your past experience?


  eve: i have been working as a secretary for 5 years in a trust company. i got along well with my boss, clients, and colleagues.i thrived on challenge and worked well in high-stress environments.


  interviewer: how is your typing skill?


  eve: i can type 120 chinese words a minute.


  interviewer: sometimes we need to work overtime. how do you feel about that?


  eve: that's all right. but may i know how often and how many hours i should work overtime?


  interviewer: it all depends. if we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. it's not unusual.


  eve: okay. i see.


  interviewer: what are your salary expectations?


  eve: maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.


  interviewer: 1200 yuan , with raises after three months according to your competence.


  eve: i can't accept it. although i really like the job, i have to raise myself first.


  interviewer: i am sorry to hear that. i wish you could find a satisfying job.


  eve: thank you, bye-bye.


  interviewer: bye-bye.



  1. trust company 信托公司

  2. thrive on 在……上蓬勃发展

  3. expectation [,ekspek'tei??n] n. 预料;期望

  4. according to 根据,按照


  break a leg

  break a leg当然不是“断了一条腿”的意思,这是一个颇怪异的祝福语。这个俚语源自莎士比亚的舞台传统。演出结束后,演员一般要到前台谢幕,如果表演出色,一般会赢得台下观众的“小费”。接受了小费,演员要弯腿行“屈膝礼”表示感谢。因此,“break a leg”成了希望演员演出成功的形象表达。逐渐地,“break a leg”的语义范围扩大,不仅仅用于演出,也可用于祝福某人试镜、考试或者面试成功。


  break a leg in your interview today. 祝你今天面试成功。



  it needs skills to get ideal salary during an interview. let's see how does jim do it.


  interviewer: what's your expected salary?